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Карма 56
PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships at United Nations University (Japan)

Deadline: 15 March 2014

Open to: PhD students and PhD holders

Fellowship: roundtrip air ticket, monthly maintenance allowance, settling-in allowance

Every year United Nations University offers PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships to provide young scholars and policymakers, especially from the developing world, with a multidisciplinary context within which to pursue advanced research and training that are of professional interest to the successful applicant and of direct relevance to the research agenda of their selected UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) or UNU Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) programme.

The Fellowship Programme provides the successful applicant with a unique opportunity to:

• develop and advance their research under the supervision of a UNU-IAS or UNU-CPR faculty member and contribute to the overall research agenda of the Institute;

• widen their research interests and professional networks by working in the international and multi-disciplinary context of UNU-IAS and UNU-CPR, and with their wider network of Japanese universities and research institutes, as well as international collaborators;

• become exposed to the workings of international and multilateral policy processes and the broader UN system; and

• link with other UNU-IAS and UNU-CPR PhD and Postdoctoral Fellows.

The Fellows are resident at UNU-IAS or UNU-CPR in Tokyo, Japan for the full term of the fellowship. This gives the PhD and Postdoctoral Fellows the opportunity to gain from the broader research programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences arranged by UNU-IAS and UNU-CPR. UNU's close institutional links with Japanese affiliated professors and researchers from key universities and think tanks in Japan and around the world also allow Fellows to link into the broader Japanese academic and research community.


1. UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship - 12 months, applicants must be at an advanced dissertation writing stage of the PhD with their research proposal accepted by their university;

2. UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowship - 12 months (possibility of renewal for another 12 months), applicants must have gained their PhD degree;

3. JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship - 24 months, applicants must have gained their PhD degree on or after 2 April 2008 for the 2014 Fellowships; Applicants must be citizens of countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan. Japanese nationals are not eligible.


The fellowship award includes:

1. A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS regulations);

2. A monthly maintenance allowance (varies depending on the program) ranges between JPY260,000 – JPY362,000 (EUR 1,870 – EUR 2,600);

3. A settling-in allowance (varies depending on the program) ranges between JPY 80,000 – JPY200,000.


Interested and eligible candidates are invited to complete the online-application form. If an applicant does not have access to the Internet, he or she should contact UNU-IAS (see the contact information below). The online form and the required documents indicated in the form must be in English. If supporting documents are not in English, English translations must be attached.

Contact Information:

Ph.D. Fellowship Programme

United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

6F, International Organizations Center


1-1-1 Minato Mirai

Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502


Email: fellowships@ias.unu.edu

Fax: +81-45-221-2302

The deadline for applications for the 2014 Fellowships is 15 March 2014.

For more information visit the official website HERE.

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.eu
Карма 56
Гранты 2014 студентам и аспирантам для стажировки в Австрии

Дедлайн: 2014-03-01

Страна: Austria;

Область наук:


Тип гранта:

For studying abroad

Веб-сайт: http://www.mitht.ru/index.php?news_id=536

Источник: www.scholarships.at/out/default.aspx?Tem...

Гранты 2014 (исследовательские стипендии) студентам и аспирантам для стажировки в Австрии.

Фонд Австрийской Республики (Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria) приглашает зарубежных студентов к участию в конкурсе стипендий для работы над исследовательскими проектами на дипломном, магистерском и докторском (PhD) уровне.

Стипендия может быть получена для обучения в любом австрийском университете.

Продолжительность стажировки — до четырех месяцев.

К участию в конкурсе приглашаются зарубежные студенты, работающие над исследовательскими проектами на магистерском, дипломном и докторском уровне.

Подавать заявки на участие в конкурсе могут аспиранты, не старше 40 лет на момент окончания приема заявок; для других категорий соискателей (студентов магистратуры и пр.) установлены возрастные ограничения — не старше 35 лет на дату дедлайна.
Карма 56
Конкурсе студенческих эссе «Много языков — один мир»

Принимаются заявки на участие в конкурсе студенческих сочинений «Много языков — один мир», который проводится в рамках инициативы ООН «Взаимодействие с академическими кругами». Кандидаты должны написать сочинение объемом не более 2 000 слов на тему того, как владение несколькими языками способствует укреплению глобальной гражданской ответственности и взаимопонимания. Сочинение должно отражать академический, культурный и национальный опыт кандидата и написано на одном из шести официальных языков ООН, не являющемся при этом родным языком участника или языком, на котором он получает образование.

Конкурсная комиссия отберет шестьдесят победителей конкурса, по десять на каждом из официальных языков. Победители конкурса примут участие в пятидневном Международном молодежном форуме в Нью-Йорке и 27 июня представят свои сочинения в Центральных учреждениях ООН. Авиабилет, проживание и питание оплачиваются организаторами.

Требования к кандидатам

Участники конкурса должны быть не моложе 18 лет, обучаться в колледже или университете и знать один из официальных языков ООН, отличный от их родного — английский, арабский, китайский, французский, испанский или русский язык.

Оформление заявки

Сочинение необходимо загрузить на сайт конкурса до 21 февраля 2014 года. Также представитель учебного заведения должен будет подтвердить тот факт, что кандидат является студентом данного учебного заведения, заполнив специальный бланк.
Карма 56
Civil Society Leadership Awards

Scholarship Announcement

Deadline: See University Information for specific application process & deadlines


The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) provides fully funded master's level scholarshipsat a network ofuniversities across Asia, Europe, and North America. These awards support one to two year graduate programs in the following fields (see university appendix for specific academic programs):

• Development Studies

• Public Health & Health Management

• Education Management & Leadership

• Law & Human Rights

• Public Policy & Administration

• Environment & Resource Management

• Social Work & Social Policy

• Politics, Economics & International Studies

• Select Humanities & Social Sciences

CSLA does not provide funding forforeign language teaching degrees, business administration, physical sciences, engineering, or medical degrees.


The program aims to support individuals who demonstrate both academic and professional excellence and have potential to become civil society leaders in their home communities.

Eligible Countries

• Turkmenistan

• Uzbekistan

Award Structure

CSLA is a fully funded scholarship for Master's level study. Successful applicants will receive the following support:

 Tuition and mandatory university fees

 Monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses

 Program-related travel

 Accident and sickness insurance during the program

 Funds for educational materials and professional development

 All costs associated with an annual student conference

 Possible internship support

 Pre-university writing program in July or August that prepares finalist for the rigors of graduate level academic study

The scholarship does NOT provide funding for dependent family members.

Application Process

1) Applicants should submit agraduate degreeapplication directly to one or more of the host university program(s)below.Graduate applications must be submitted prior to each university's application deadline.

2) Applicants are welcome to apply to more than one university listed below. Applications to universities not listed are not eligible for this award.

3) After submitting a graduate application to a host university, applicants should register with CSLA directly athttps://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z5ZXJB9.

4) Applications will be reviewed by the university and representatives of CSLA.

5) Applicants will be notified of the following: a) admitted to the university with CSLA funding; b) admitted to the university without CSLA funding; c) not admitted to the university and therefore not eligible for CSLA funding.

Selection Process

Criteria for selection will include academic merit and potential for contributing to the development of civil society in the countries listed. To be considered for the scholarship, applicants should apply for admission to each university of interest by the deadline posted for that institution. Those candidates shortlisted for admission may be interviewed online or in person by a selection committee, and may be asked to provide additional essays regarding their career goals.

Partner Universities, Academic Programs& Application Deadlines

Interested applicants should first familiarize themselves with the programs of study they wish to pursue at the host universities listed below. CSLA will only consider funding for students who apply for full-time study.

Asian Universities

The University of Hong Kong – Hong Kong S.A.R, China

(1) Master of Journalism (MJ)

 Application Deadline: 31 January 2014

 Program Information: http://jmsc.hku.hk/2009/11/mj-pdipj-curriculum/#mjreq

 Application Information: http://jmsc.hku.hk/2014/01/learn-mj/

(2) Master of Education (MEd)

 Application Deadline: 28 February 2014

 Program Information: http://web.edu.hku.hk/programme/med/

 Application Information: http://web.edu.hku.hk/programme/med/

 Only applicants to the following MEd specializations will be considered: Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development; Curriculum Studies; Designing Powerful Learning Environments; Early Childhood Education; Educational Administration and Management; Guidance and Counselling; Higher Education; Generalist Strand-Educational Studies

(3) Master of Law in Human Rights (LLM-HR)

 Application Deadline: 28 February 2014

 Program Information: http://www.law.hku.hk/postgrad/llmadr/

 Application Information: http://www.law.hku.hk/postgrad/llmadr/

TERI University– New Delhi, India

(1) MA Sustainable Development Practice;

(2) MA Public Policy and Sustainable Development;

(3) MSc Climate Change and Policy;

(4) MSc Environmental Studies and Resource Management

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.teriuniversity.ac.in/program

 Application Information: http://www.teriuniversity.ac.in/admissions-teri-university

European Universities

University of Cambridge – Cambridge, UK

(1) Master'sDegrees in Various CSLA Eligible Fields (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.study.cam.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/?ucam-ref=global-head er

 Application Information: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/students/gradadmissions/prospec/&http://www .cam.ac.uk/international-students

University of Durham – Durham, UK

(1) Department of Geography – Master's Degree in Environmental Hazards, Risk and Security

 Application Deadline: Rolling deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/postgraduate/riskmasters/

 Application Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/postgraduate/riskmasters/how_to_apply/

(2) Department of Anthropology – Master'sDegree in Sustainability, Culture and Development

 Application Deadline: Rolling deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/anthropology/postgraduatestudy/taughtprogrammes/ sustainability/

 Application Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/anthropology/postgraduatestudy/howtoapply/

(3) Durham Global Security Institute – Master's Degree in Defense, Development and Diplomacy

 Application Deadline: Rolling deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/anthropology/postgraduatestudy/taughtprogrammes/ sustainability/

 Application Information: https://www.dur.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/

University of Essex – Colchester, UK

(1) MA Theory and Practice of Human Rights

 Program Information: http://www.essex.ac.uk/coursefinder/course_details.aspx?course=MA++L3M V12

(2) MA Human Rights and Cultural Diversity

 Program Information: http://www.essex.ac.uk/coursefinder/course_details.aspx?course=MA++M90 112

(3) LLM in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

 Program Information:http://www.essex.ac.uk/coursefinder/course_details.aspx?co urse=LLM+M10512

(4) Essex School of Law - LLM in International Human Rights Law

 Program Information: http://www.essex.ac.uk/coursefinder/course_details.aspx?course=LLM+M10 112

 Application Deadline: Rolling deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Application Information: https://www.essex.ac.uk/pgapply/enter.aspx

University of Nottingham – Nottingham, UK

(1) UK Campus – Master's Degrees in Various CSLA Eligible Fields within Nottingham Developing Solutions Scheme with particular focus on Food Security, Health and Technology, Public Health, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: Graduate Application Submission Recommended by early March, Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/internationaloffice/developing-solutions/i ndex.aspx

 Application Information: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/students/gradadmissions/prospec/&http://www .cam.ac.uk/international-students

University of St Andrews – St Andrews, Scotland, UK

(1) Master of Letters in Peace and Conflict Studies

(2) Master of Letters in Sustainable Development and Resource Management

(3) Master of Letters in International Security Studies

(4) Masters of Letters in Middle East and Central Asian Security Studies

 Application Deadline: March 31, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/intrel/pg/

 Application Information: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/intrel/prospectivestudents/postgraduate/

Sciences Po – Paris,France

(1) Master's in Various CSLA Eligible Fields (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: 3 April 2014, apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://master.sciences-po.fr/en/node/14

 Application Information:http://www.sciencespo.fr/admissions/en/graduate-internatio nal-admissions

Catholic University of Lyon– Lyon, France

(1) Master's in Various CSLA Eligible Fields (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSL Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.univ-catholyon.fr/information-sur/formations/

 Application Information:http://www.univ-catholyon.fr/information-sur/formations/

University of Strasbourg – Strasbourg, France

(1) Master's in International Relations

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines, apply by March 1 for CSL Consideration

 Program Information: http://itiri.unistra.fr/calendrier-20132014/&http://itiri.unistra.fr/m asters-relations-internationales/presentation-generale-des-diplomes/

 Application Information: http://itiri.unistra.fr/masters-relations-internationales/presentation -generale-des-diplomes/

Graduate School of Social Research–Warsaw, Poland

(1) Master's in Society and Politics

(2) Master in Economy and Society

(3) Master in Culture, Media, and Society

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program and Application information: http://www.css.edu.pl/css/admission_en.php#deadlines

Riga Graduate School of Law – Latvia

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 17 for CSLA Consideration

 Program and Application information:http://www.rgsl.edu.lv/en/news-and-events/572/apply-for-st udies-at-rgsl-before-17-march-and-win-a-tuition-fee-waiver

Maastricht University – Maastricht, Netherlands

(1) MA Globalisation and Development Studies

(2) MA European Studies / European Public Affairs / European Studies on Science, Society and Technology

(3) MA Politics and Society

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main/ProspectiveStudents/Master sProgrammes.htm

 Application Information: http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main/ProspectiveStudents/Master sProgrammes/Admissions.htm

North American Universities

American University – Washington, D.C., USA

(1) Washington College of Law – Master of Laws (LLM)

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.wcl.american.edu/ilsp/

 Application Information: http://www.wcl.american.edu/ilsp/llmapplication.cfm

(2) College of Arts and Sciences – Master's in VariousCSLA Eligible Fields (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadline, Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information:http://www.american.edu/cas/admissions/programs.cfm#master s

 Application Information: http://www.american.edu/cas/admissions/apply.cfm

Brandeis University, The Heller School for Social Policy &Management – Boston, MA, USA

(1) Master's in Various CSLA Eligible Fields (see Introduction above)

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://heller.brandeis.edu/admissions/admissions/index.html

 Application Information: http://heller.brandeis.edu/admissions/admissions/requirements.html

Columbia University School of Social Work – New York, NY, USA

(1) Master of Science in Social Work

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA

 Program Information: http://socialwork.columbia.edu/

Syracuse University – Syracuse, NY, USA

(1) School of Education

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines, See Specific Degree Program for Details, Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://soeweb.syr.edu/future/degree_programs/masters_degrees.aspx

 Application Information: http://soeweb.syr.edu/future/admissions/graduate/default.aspx

(2) Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines, See Specific Degree Program for Details, Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/deans.aspx?id=345

 Application Information: http://www.syr.edu/gradschool/em/future_howtoapply.html

(3) College of Law (LLM Program for International Students)

 Application Deadline: Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://www.law.syr.edu/academics/academic-programs/llm-program-landing .aspx

 Application Information: http://law.syr.edu/admissions-and-financial-aid/llm-admissions/llm-pro gram-overview.aspx

Washington University, Brown School – St. Louis, MO, USA

(1) Master of Social Work (MSW)

(2) Master of Public Health (MPH)

 Application Deadline: Rolling Deadline, Apply by March 1 for CSLA Consideration

 Program Information: http://brownschool.wustl.edu/Pages/Home.aspx

 Application Information: http://brownschool.wustl.edu/Admissions/Pages/apply.aspx
Карма 56
Гранты National Geographic: полевые исследования

National Geographic принимает заявки от всех желающих для участия в грантовой программе Молодые исследователи (Young Explorers Grants). Данная программа — это объединение нескольких грантов, направленных на поддержание молодых людей возрастом 18-25 лет и их полевых исследований в 18 азиатских странах включая Бруней, Бирму, Камбоджу, Китай, Гонконг, Индонезию, Японию, Корею, Макау, Монголию, Тайланд и др. Заявки принимаются круглый год.

Требования к кандидатам:

Заявки принимаются от всех желающих. Наличие диплома необязательно. Однако организаторы подчеркивают, что необходимо наличие опыта исследовательской работы и опыта работы по сохранению окружающей среды, животного мира, архитектуры и пр.

Оформление заявки:

Предварительная заявка оформляется онлайн. После этого претенденты на грант получат имейл с ссылкой на полную заявку. К заявке требуется приложить свое резюме.

Все вопросы можно направлять на имейл cre@ngs.org,conservationtrust@ngs.org и council@ngs.org c темой письма Young Explorers Grant.
Карма 56
Академия ОБСЕ в Бишкеке объявляет очередной набор на грантовую магистерскую программу «Политика и Безопасность» на новый учебный год 2014 – 2015.

Магистерская программа "Политика и Безопасность" - междисциплинарная учебная программа в области политики, всеобщей безопасности и международных отношений, основанная на международных стандартах обучения. Программа предназначена для молодых людей, которые хотят повысить уровень своего образования и получить знания и навыки, необходимые для профессиональной или академической карьеры в области политики, безопасности, международных отношений, предотвращения конфликтов, международного развития и т.д.

Обучение начинается 1 сентября 2014 года и заканчивается 30 сентября 2015 года.

Прием документов - до 5 АПРЕЛЯ 2014 года

Требования к кандидатам:

Успешное завершение высшего учебного заведения с присвоением степени в области политики или смежных наук (бакалавр, магистр, специалист);

Свободное владение английским языком;

Кандидаты должны быть не старше 32 лет на 1 сентября 2014 г.;

Предпочтительно граждане Кыргызстана, Узбекистана, Таджикистана, Казахстана, Туркменистана и Афганистана. Заявления от граждан других стран принимаются, но количество мест ограничено.

Академия ОБСЕ в Бишкеке оплачивает:

Транспортные расходы в пределах Центральной Азии до/от Бишкека;

Медицинская страховка (за исключением граждан Кыргызстана);

Ежемесячная стипендия в размере 180 Евро;

Денежное пособие для аренды жилья в размере 95 Евро для не резидентов г. Бишкек;

По заявлению студента предоставляется пособие на ребенка.

Загрузить анкету можно здесь: http://osce-academy.net/en/masters/politics-and-security/prospectivest ud...

Заинтересованные кандидаты должны подать заполненную заявку, копию диплома(ов) и вкладышей в Академию ОБСЕ в Бишкеке по электронному адресу master@osce-academy.net

Только подходящие кандидаты будут приглашены на тестирование и интервью

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по тел.: +996 (312) 54-12-00

или посетите официальный сайт Академии ОБСЕ в Бишкеке: osce-academy.net

Срок приема документов: 5 апреля 2014
Карма 56
Call for Applications, World Summit Youth Award

Take a chance, show how you contribute to the UN MDGs and be seen on an international stage!

You are younger than 30?

You have developed a social project with Internet or Mobile Technology?

You want to make a difference in the world, your country or community?

You are a committed social entrepreneur and are eager to give your project a new drive?

Then you should apply for the World Summit Youth Award and get the chance to bring your project on a global stage!

Call for application: February 15th – June 15th, 2014

for more info see http://youthaward.org/show-your-e-power

The WSYA Categories:


The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) is a unique global contest which brings together young developers and digital entrepreneurs - under 30 years of age - who use internet and mobile technology to put the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into action and make a difference.

Call for Applications: February 15th - June 15th, 2014

The WSYA selects and promotes best practice in e-Content. It demonstrates young people's potential to create outstanding digital contents and serves as a platform for people from all UN member states to work together in the efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


1. Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease!

2. Education for All!

3. Power 2 Women!

4. Create your Culture!

5. Go Green!

6. Pursue Truth!

How to Participate?

Starting from the 15th of February you will find a button "Apply Now" on our main page. Click there and you will be guided to the registration form. There you will have submit your contact details and receive a user name and password to submit all required info about your project.

Who is eligible?

Formal Criteria are:

 Age: you have to be younger than 30 (born after January 1, 1984)

 Category: your project must fit into one of the WSYA Categories

 Language: The project itself can be in any language. The Application has to be in English as the Jury has to understand what your project is about to be able to evaluate it properly.

 Application form: Personal and project information needs to be complete. You don't have to write endless texts but please make sure that we as outsiders can understand what you want to achieve with your project and why you think your project is outstanding.

For more details on Rules and Regulations please click here.

You should also have a look at the winning projects of the past WSYA years.

Here is what kind of information you will have to submit about your project:

 Short description of your product/project

 Long description of your product/project

 Introduce yourself and/or your team to the jury or upload a CV

 How sustainable is your project over the long term? Outline potential challenges, strategies and development.

 What are your project goals in the framework of the UN Millennium Development Goals?

 What is the youth component in your project (project management, target group, partners, etc)?

You will also have the chance to upload demos, videos, pictures, screenshots or any other additional information that will help the Jury to understand your project better.

Timeline 2014

February 15th - June 15th Call for Registration / Online Application

July - August Jury

October/November Winners´Event (Location TBC)

What can you win?

Winning the WSYA or even becoming one of the runners-up means becoming part of the global WSYA network. All winners will be invited to the WSYA winners' event where they have the chance to present their project on an international stage, make important contacts and build a strong network with representatives of the private sector, governments, media and the civil society.

More info on why you should give it a try here.

For any assistance please contact: wsya@icnm.net

Good Luck!
Карма 56
The Kofi Annan



for outstanding

leadership potential

from developing countries
Карма 56
UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship Programme

1. Introduction

Since 1996, UNU-IAS has been offering PhD Fellowships to candidates in the last stages of their dissertation process to broaden their perspectives to other related scientific fields, and to expose them to international policy-making circles. So far, more than 90 Fellows from some 50 countries have passed through the PhD Fellowship Programme. Out of those who have completed the programme, about one third have been women, and developing country participants have outnumbered developed country participants.

One or two PhD Fellowships are awarded each year for a period of 12 months, starting in September.

The Fellowship Programme provides the successful applicant with a unique opportunity to:

 develop and advance their research under the supervision of a UNU-IAS faculty member and contribute to the overall research agenda of the Institute;

 widen their research interests and professional networks by working in the international and multi-disciplinary context of UNU-IAS, and with its wider network of Japanese universities and research institutes, as well as international collaborators;

 become exposed to the workings of the international and multilateral policy process and the broader UN system; and

 link with other UNU-IAS and UNU-CPR PhD and Postdoctoral Fellows.

The Fellows are resident at UNU-IAS in Tokyo, Japan for the full term of the fellowship. This gives them the opportunity to gain from the broader research programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences arranged by UNU-IAS. The Institute's close links with Japanese affiliated professors and visiting professors from key universities and think tanks in Japan also allow Fellows to link into the broader Japanese academic and research community.

2. Field of Research

The purpose of the UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship is to provide young scholars and policymakers, especially from the developing world, with a multidisciplinary context within which to pursue advanced research and training that are of professional interest to the applicant and of direct relevance to the research agenda of UNU-IAS. Research proposals for UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships should therefore relate clearly to one of the research areas of the Institute, as well as aim to be policy relevant. Research proposals are invited in the following areas:

Sustainability Science

Environmental Governance (Biodiversity)

Cities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Science and Technology for SDG

3. Eligibility and Conditions

Applicants must be at the dissertation writing stage of their PhD with a research proposal accepted by the candidate's university. Language proficiency in English is essential. Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly encouraged to apply.

UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 months. The starting date of the PhD Fellowship Programme is 1 September. Successful applicants are required to be in Japan by this date. Residency in Tokyo for the full duration of the fellowship is required.

Fellows are provided with their own desk in a dedicated study room in the Institute, administrative support and desktop computing. Fellows have access to the UNU Library which includes an excellent collection of UN documents. They also have access via the UNU Library to various Japanese university libraries and computer databases. A limited range of other, more specialised computer hardware and software may also be available.

The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of JPY260,000. A one-time-only settle-in-allowance of JPY 80,000 will be granted to each Fellow at the beginning of the programme for relocation, adjustment expenses, ground transportation and incidental costs. UNU-IAS provides Fellows with a return air ticket between his/her country of residence and Narita Airport. Settle-in-allowance and air tickets are, however, not provided for Fellows already residing in Japan before the commencement of the fellowship.

Fellows carry out their research in Japan under the supervision of a UNU-IAS faculty member. Fellows will spend about half of their working hours on their dissertation and the remaining half assisting the Institute's projects and activities.

4. Starting Date and Deadline for Applications

The UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship Programme begins on 1 September and the selected Fellows are required to be in Japan by this date. The deadline for applications for the 2014 Fellowships is 15 March 2014.

5. To Apply

Interested and eligible candidates are invited to complete the online-application form (http://webserv.ias.unu.edu/onlineform/app/anonymous/menu.php). If an applicant does not have access to the Internet, he or she should contact UNU-IAS (see the contact information below). The online form and the required documents indicated in the form must be in English. If supporting documents are not in English, English translations must be attached.

6. Selection Criteria and Process

Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

(i) The research objectives of the applicant and the quality of the research


(ii) the relevance of the research proposal to the ongoing or planned research

activities of the applicant's selected Research Programme at UNU-IAS;

(iii) the applicant's academic merit and the potential for successful research while


After the initial review of all completed applications, short-listed candidates will be contacted for a telephone interview.

Contact Information:

Ph.D. Fellowship Programme

United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

6F, International Organizations Center


1-1-1 Minato Mirai

Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502


Email: fellowships@ias.unu.edu

Fax: +81-45-221-2302
Карма 56
2014 CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme for PhD Candidates from Developing Countries

• CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme

for PhD Candidates from Developing Countries

Call for Applications


According to a new agreement between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries, up to 140 students/scholars from the developing world will be sponsored to travel to China for PhD studies for up to four years.

This CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme provides students/scholars from developing countries (other than China) an opportunity to pursue PhD degrees at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) or Institutes of CAS around China.

Under the terms of the new CAS-TWAS agreement, travel from their home countries to China will be provided to the fellowship awardees in order to begin the fellowship in China (one trip only per student/scholar). Visa fee will also be covered (once only per student/scholar).

Thanks to generous contribution of CAS, fellowship awardees will receive a monthly stipend (including accommodation and other living expenses, local travel expenses and health insurance) of RMB 7,000 or RMB 8,000 from CAS through UCAS/USTC, depending on whether he/she has passed the qualification test arranged by UCAS/USTC for all PhD candidates after admission. All awardees will also be provided tuition waivers.

Any fellowship awardee who fails the qualification test twice will face the consequences including:

l Termination of his/her fellowship;

l Discontinuity of his/her PhD study at CAS institutions;

l Being conferred a diploma of completion instead of a PhD degree;

All the procedures will adhere to UCAS/USTC regulations and rules.

The funding duration of the fellowship is 4 years, divided into:

l Maximum 1 year study of courses and participation in centralized training at UCAS/USTC, including 4 months compulsory courses in Chinese Language and Culture.

l Practical research and completion of degree thesis at colleges and schools of UCAS/USTC or CAS institutes.

General conditions for applicants:

Applicants must:

l Be maximum age of 35 years on 31 December 2014;

l Not take up other assignments during the period of his/her fellowship;

l Be a citizen of a developing country other than China;

l Not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residency in China or in any developed country;

l Be financially responsible for any accompanying family member.

Applicants for PhD study should also:

l Meet the admission criteria for international students of UCAS/USTC (http://english.ucas.ac.cn/Admissions/Pages/Article.aspx?ID=78 orhttp://en.ustc.edu.cn/admissions/international_students/).

l Hold a master degree before the beginning of the fall semester: September, 2014.

l Provide evidence that s/he will return to their home country on completion of their studies in China according to CAS-TWAS agreement.

l Provide proof of knowledge of English or Chinese language.

Note: Applicants currently pursuing PhD degrees at any university/institution in China are ineligible for this fellowship.


It is important to note that applicants currently pursuing PhD degrees at any university/institution in China cannot apply for the CAS-TWAS President's fellowship.

In order to successfully apply for the CAS-TWAS President's fellowship each applicant is requested to follow a few key steps that are indicated below:


You should verify that you are eligible and meet ALL the eligibility criteria specified in the "General Conditions for applicants" section of this call (e.g. age, nationality etc) See page 2.


UCAS: http://english.ucas.ac.cn/Admissions/Pages/discipline.aspx or

USTC: http://en.ustc.edu.cn/faculty/

Once you have found the host supervisor, you must contact him/her via e-mail and inform that you wish to apply for the CAS-TWAS President's fellowship. Please send him/her an explanatory e-mail together with your CV and research proposal.


A.   Download and fill in the "Admission Application Form for International Students" (1-1 for UCAS or 1-2 for USTC);

B.   Download and fill in the "Application Form for CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme" ;

C.   REFERENCE LETTERS: You must ask two referees (Preferably TWAS members, but not a mandatory requirement) familiar with you and your work to provide their scanned reference letters (signed, dated and on official headed paper). Reference letters in the body of e-mails will NOT be accepted! Please include the reference letters in your application package.

D.   Other documents:

The following documents are also required:

a)   Notarized photocopy of the certificate of highest university degree held (graduates having just completed their degree can provide a pre-graduation certificate);

b)   Proof of knowledge of English and/or Chinese;

c)   Notarized photocopy of transcripts of previous higher education;

d)   Complete CV;

e)   Detailed research proposal;

f)    Copy of your passport (only pages showing personal and validity details);

g)   Photocopies of all the title pages and abstracts of any published academic papers;

h)   Foreigner Physical Examination Form ;

Note: 1. All the above materials in your application package should be in English or Chinese.

2. If you are awarded, you must submit originals your university certificates AND transcripts to the UCAS or USTC office upon your arrival in China.


You must send him/her an electronic copy of your WHOLE application package in one zipped file and ask him/her to fill in the comment pages in "Application Form for CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme" and the "Admission Application Form for International Students". Your supervisor will then send your whole application package including his/her comment pages to UCAS Fellowship office or USTC Fellowship office. Please Do NOT send your application package directly to UCAS or USTC Fellowship office.


28 FEBRUARY 2014


Please be free to send your enquiries about your application to:

CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme UCAS Office (UCAS)

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

19A Yuquanlu, Beijing, 100049, China

Tel: +86 10 88256424/6206

Fax: +86 10 88256207

Email: president-fellowship@ucas.ac.cn


CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme USTC Office (USTC)

University of Science and Technology of China

96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui, 230026 China

Tel: +86 551 63607981

Fax: +86 551 63607982

Email: presidentfellow@ustc.edu.cn

Note: It is important to remember that your supervisor can be helpful in providing answers to your enquiries. Please keep in close touch with your supervisor in the process of the application.

Relevant Information

CAS is a national academic institution in China consisting of a comprehensive research and development network, a merit-based learned society and a system of higher education, focusing on natural sciences, technological sciences and high-tech innovation in China. It has 12 branches, 2 universities and more than 100 institutes with around 60,000 staff and 50,000 postgraduate students. It hosts 89 national key labs, 172 CAS key labs, 30 national engineering research centers and about 1,000 field stations throughout China. As a merit-based society, it has five academic divisions. CAS is dedicated to addressing fundamental, strategic and farsighted challenges related to the overall and long-term development of China. CAS and TWAS have had a close and productive relationship for many years, often involving TWAS's Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific (http://www.twas.org.cn/twas/index.asp).

Read more about CAS:http://english.www.cas.cn/

UCAS is a research-intensive university with around 40,000 postgraduate students, supported by more than 100 institutes (research centers, laboratories) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which are located in 25 cities throughout China. Founded in 1978, it was originally named the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first graduate school in China with the ratification of the State Council., UCAS is headquartered in Beijing with 4 campuses and is authorized to grant doctorate degrees in 39 primary academic disciplines, offering degree programs in ten major academic fields, including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, education and management science. UCAS is responsible for the enrollment and centralized management of the PhD candidates of the CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme admitted by UCAS.

Read more about UCAS: http://www.ucas.ac.cn/

USTCis the first university established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1958. It is a comprehensive university including science, engineering, management and humanity science, oriented to frontier science and high technology. USTC took the lead in launching Graduate School, the School of Gifted Young, large national scientific projects, etc. It is now a prominent Chinese university and enjoys high reputation worldwide, and therefore is the member of the China 9 Consortium consisting of the top 9 universities in China. USTC is one of the most important innovation centers in China, and is regarded as "the Cradle of Scientific Elites". USTC provides both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. It has around 1500 faculty members, 7200 undergraduates, and 9000 graduate students (2600 PhD candidates). There are 14 faculties, 27 departments, graduate school and software school on campus. According to the world acclaimed university rankings, USTC has always been ranked among the best universities in China. USTC is responsible for the enrollment and management of the PhD candidates of the CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship Programme admitted by USTC.USTC also has its affiliated kindergarten, primary school and middle school.

Read more about USTC: http://www.ustc.edu.cn/

TWAS is an autonomous international organization, founded in 1983 in Trieste, Italy, by a distinguished group of scientists from the South to promote scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the South. In 1991, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) assumed responsibility for administering TWAS funds and personnel on the basis of an agreement signed by TWAS and UNESCO. In 2004, the Government of Italy passed a law that ensures a continuous financial contribution to the Academy's operation.Read more about TWAS: http://twas.ictp.it/
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